2019. szeptember 7., szombat

Endgame fanfiction IV

End of a Dream IV
We spent the afternoon in the briefing room. By now, we have gathered as much information as possible about the Change. Our programs could do a lot of things, but the systematization and analysis left to us.
"The fact is, the reality has changed," the Captain began. "Do we know how this is possible?"
Bruce was browsing on his laptop, and when he found what he was looking for, he put it in front of us.
"Well ... chronophysics is in its infancy. It has researchers; there are some theories, but these are just theories. That is, they were theories five days ago... The change of reality is happening explosively. A shock wave starts from the epicenter. This is the Landiss wave and wherever it hits; objects with less probability than S will cease to exist. That is, they return to the stream of time in the form of chronotrons. This is the explanation of appearances and disappearances. But I don't know how it started or what caused the change. Science doesn't give us an answer right now."
Banner was a scientist, a researcher, and he looked at the Change from that perspective. I had a Dream Stone hanging around my neck, the Stone of Magic, but I couldn't see the connection, even though I should have understood the theses of both worlds. One is science, the other magic…
Lang looked at the images of the quantum gate.
"What about my case? I'm back from quantum space! That's science, too."
"And a mere coincidence. Something from outside has triggered the gate control in your van. By chance." Banner leaned closer to the monitor. "If it isn't, you're still wandering around there."
Rhodey stood up. The leds of leg braces flashed up on his body.
"We cannot explain the duality of our memories. Are we stranded between two worlds?"
For a while everyone spoke at once. They brushed on his experiences, their double memories or their fears. Then Captain Rogers asked a question which should have been asked a long time ago.
"Why did all this happen? What is the purpose of this change? If it's not a random anomaly, it's caused by someone. Whoever did it, no matter how did it; the only question that matters: why did it? Why did they invest enormous energies to change reality? Why? What did their win with it?"
There became silence. There was no obvious answer to this question. We looked at each other in the late afternoon sunlight.
"I know for sure only one thing," the Black Widow looked at the holo display. "We need the others. We need to get Tony, Thor and Clint back."
"That should be your task, Natasha. You and Judith ... You have a chance to bring them back. Tony doesn't really talk to me,” Steve said.
"Thor with neither of us," Dr. Banner put his hand on Lang's shoulder, which shivered. "And I'd like to look through this quantum technology with Scott."
Bruce and Scott retreated to the hangar where Lang's van was parked. Rhodey went with them, too. Natasha sat on a plane to travel to Tokyo, and I suddenly found myself alone in my room.

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